Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bartering? GREAT idea!

20 March 2012

Dear RV Diary,

I like the thought of bartering on the road. It’s a great concept.
I read :
“The Frugal RVer: Living well for less on the road.” By Nick Russell

(Ebook........................Paperback.................Kindle Fire)

It reads a bit strange and refers every few lines or so to: “Fred and Franny Frugal.”

But I really did get some great ideas for saving money and I am glad I did read it.
Some ideas are common sense and others are things I imagine one would hear and see after being in the RVer circle for awhile.

 But for me it did bring a few things to the forefront that I hadn’t even known was a consideration as an RVer…Such as bartering (GREAT idea especially on my tight budget).

Bartering for things like a home cooked item or meal for something like installation on a water pump…Mending a pair of pants or shirt for lets say a gift/craft item.

I began to take inventory of my own skills that I to could barter for.

I can’t cook (although once in awhile I surprise myself…And others, good and bad).
I can sew, but don’t own a sewing machine (can’t justify buying one right now).
I can paint and write (great at painting, still working on the writing part) ;)
I can sculpt.
Computer stuff (also blogging, facebook, twitter, etc.).

I can also do some other things that qualify me for a survivalist or a mercenary.
(not anymore actually…My body is broken, I walk with a gimp and on a good day my body pain is tolerable, not to mention my arthritis…And my brain injury along with fibromyalgia…Those two right there combine on special days and I have very little capability to have a thought process that is very useful (and on those days it is wise to stay back from me for at least 50 feet).

Maybe I could clean, but I don’t even like to clean my own stuff (having said that, yes, of course I clean my stuff).

Pet sit while the owner runs a few errands (IF they get along with my own critters)….

I think it’s interesting to start a list of this sort and for me it’s a bit humbling and I wonder what else (legal) bartering skills people may have.

Love, ~Vivi

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