Thursday, April 5, 2012

5 April 2005

Dear RV Diary,

"When one door closes a window opens...But these hallway's sure are a B&$%@!"

Or so the saying goes...I think i'm in the hallway at this time :(

Now that I am deep into the looking and ready to buy process for my RV...I would like to get some issues out into the open that I am currently experiencing just in case somebody else runs into these issues...Maybe you won't feel so alone....

#1. The bank is NOT your friend...Awesome RV loan rates are nothing more then a teaser to lure you in.

#2.  NADA value is never accurate (especially for used Airstreams).

#3. NEVER under any circumstances tell ANY bank that you will be living in the your motorhome. (Which makes NO sense...Because, even if you are only traveling in it for a week to Aunt Mabelle's house...Can't this be considered "living" in your RV?).

#4. Since I have lived in Alaska for the past 7 years I have pretty much lost touch with what's actually happening in the States...But it is VERY strongly becoming apparent that CHOOSING to live in your traveling home is NOT looked upon very highly by A LOT of people.
I was informed that this is because people are qualifying for motorhomes, moving into them, driving off and NEVER making a single payment...They get a free home and the banks can't find them.
Also, for lack of better wording (but much more rude and vulgar then what i'm about to say), "They are homeless scum that want hand outs...Drunk, mentally ill criminals...AND the reason the U.S. is going to S%$T!"

I occasionally like a margarita (especially watching the sunset on the beach), at times I admit I am pretty unstable...But PMS is never a joy for anyone...And yes, I will admit that my criminal activities run the gamut from speeding when I am jamming to some awesome music...To walking on the grass when there is clearly a "No walking on the grass," sign well within my view.

I'm dangerous, I know! But that's how I roll baby! I break ALL the rules! :)

Moral of today's story: Keep your chin up, be happy and confident in your own life plans...And NEVER, EVER under ANY circumstance let anyone dictate to you how you should feel about yourself or the life you choose to live.

Love, Vivi

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3 April 2012

Dear RV Diary,

Well, it's finally happened...I have NO wifi!
At almost 11:00 PM last night I had to drive around and finally found connection at McDonalds. My Son and my Niece only told me where to find it after I agreed to buy them food there.
I gotta hand it to them...They gave me what I want...I give them what they want. :)

Now I am sitting at the food court at one of our grocery stores using up what I can in a short amount of time.

The hunt for my RV is right on target!
I found and have been working with Bruce.

So I am in the works of getting this lovely little Winnie :) More to come about that!

I am trying to wrap up some open ended stuff...Turns out nothing ever gets wrapped up so I will just the best I can.

More to come soon Diary when I scout out a good little cafe or book store with free wifi!

Love, Vivi

Sunday, April 1, 2012

1 April 2012

Dear RV Diary,

Well moving day came and went and it took me a few days to get myself situated enough to where I can post.

Papers are signed and I officially have SOLD my little house.  I am SO happy it sold right away, stress and me don't get along very well.

I was briefly emotional, kinda on the verge of teary eyed when I was cleaning the last of the house for the new buyers....but I really didn't feel horribly attached to the little house that I worked so hard to update and do what I could to bring it up to par.
Probably because I physically couldn't deal with it anymore and I know that the new owners really love it!

I didn't have very much to move...Mostly last minute stuff of personal items that I was and continue to use. The rest of my belongings, once I accepted an offer on the house, I already had boxed up and took to my moms house slowly through the past few weeks to store in her extra bedroom until I am ready to load up the Uhaul and roll down the highway through Canada. (More on that later...).

I think I really did myself a favor starting around a year ago...Getting rid of stuff. At first I thought I didn't get rid of enough...Turns out I did a great job now that I have about 7 weeks until my "RV countdown begins," OFFICIALLY. :) (Actually it started awhile ago, more on that later)...

Having just said that, now that I have a better concept of what I have verses what I really need I plan on going through the 3 boxes or so out in my sisters garage and the 12 or so at my moms house to try to whittle down even more of whats left.

Since I am staying with my sister until I leave around May 17 or 18-ish I had to bring into fruition if my "hobby" was going to go with me....

I am an artist, watercolor and sculpting.

Watercolors can travel...But sculpting clays?  Can they?

Last year when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis in my hands, my doctor said that maybe I should get some clay and just roll it around to keep my hands from stiffening up (which is why I have taken such a long vacation from watercoloring). So being a professional artist I couldn't just roll a ball of clay around, I had to make something. AND although I am a professional artist I never took any sculpting classes, except briefly in high school 20 + years ago.

Long story short, I fell madly and deeply in love with sculpey clay...And the question my new passion was screaming..."Will I be able to sculpt AND BAKE my creations on the road."
I have a portable oven made just for sculpey and have been baking sculptures for the past two days with it in my sisters kitchen.

SO...From what I can tell SO far, yes, I will be able to continue sculpting on the road. (

I wonder if I can use a solar oven...Then it will be free and I don't have to worry about using up electricity AND fuel or propane.

Hmmm....  A future experiment FOR SURE!  :D

Love, Vivi