Saturday, March 17, 2012

Darn YOU Mercury!

17 March 2012

Dear RV Diary,

Today is Saturday….And on Tuesday, when I said: 
“Can my week get any worse?”
It was a rhetorical question…Not a challenge.
Then yesterday I read a headline: “Is your week going bad? Mercury in retrograde.”

YES, it is! YES, this MUST pertain to me!

Ok, well then that explains everything! 

So I read the article which would tell me when my woes would come to an end.
April 4th
It is now March 17th.
It also highly recommended aginst signing any paperwork and avoiding at all expense any legal situations.
There is NO WAY in this world I can avoid either…At all.

So getting back to you on the boiler sitiation…

I suppose maybe since I am military trained and learned to get squeaky clean in the matter of a mere minute if that long was needed (which my showers I felt were of a good length). 
The hot water was indeed not up to par with whomever. 
AND knowing that makes me really ponder: “Just how much water are people wasting?” And, “No wonder there are water shortages throughout the US." 

I too try to solve my life changing issues in the shower...But how many problems do you have?!

*(Diary…Did you know it is illegal to rain harvest in several US states…They said even the rain belongs to the government…Next it will be the air!).

So, my realtor sent out three different “Boiler Specialists.” 
I have shelled out nearly $800.00 of borrowed money from family to pay these people for their shenanigans!
NOW….I have only seconds of luke warm water and an empty wallet.
The solution they say will be to pay them each varying amount of sums to fix “my problem.” 
And the sums range from $6,000 to $13,000.

I would say that when I told my realtor I wanted my home sold “AS IS,”
He did not selectively hear me and this is NOT what I signed on for.

Bottom line is I cannot afford their solutions, not even to have it compensated out of the loan because I have to pay the realtor for his outstanding job about $12,000 to $13,000 dollars while I myself will only be getting around and if all goes as it is now: around $4,500. 

If it is $4,500 and not less it has all got to go towards: renting a U-Haul trailer, tickets for the ferry ride for me and James to Washington state (gas is FAR to expensive to drive Canada), my pets their shots, food, gas, a down payment on a motorhome, hotel until I find a motorhome, etc…And I will be utterly stuck if my SUV breaks down.

See my dilemma here?!

Now I am entirely lost. 
They made my water problem worse, now I can’t even have a decent shower (to figure out a solution) and the whole sale of the house I believe literally hangs in the balance.

As a buyer I would be VERY unhappy and probably cancel the whole deal.
As the seller, I am mad that the realtor didn’t and isn’t listening and probably lost the whole deal.


Love, ~Vivi

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